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縁音 -enne- について
"伝統工芸×Life & Fashion"
また伝統的な漆器作りにとどまらず、昭和30 年代からはプラスチック(合成樹脂)の素地にウレタン塗装を施した合成( 近代) 漆器の生産にいち早く取り組んだ結果、飛躍的に生産額を伸ばし、伝統漆器と併せた生産額では全国一の座にあります。
enne はこの伝統の技術とマインドを受け継ぎながら、更に近隣の産地や工芸、新しい技術と新しいデザインを組み合わせ、現代のライフスタイルに合う「Premium」な「Real Life Design」を提案いたします。

enne の商品は伝統工芸「山中漆器」のさまざまな職人が一つ一つ心を込めて丁寧にものづくりをしております。
安土桃山時代から受継がれた伝統工芸の技術を継承し、その一つ一つの工程がMade in JAPAN、Made in YAMANAKA であり、 漆塗りや金箔張りの他にはない光沢感、近代漆器によるウレタンコーティングなどによる強度UP、近代蒔絵の絵付けの技術による 立体感と光沢感、それぞれの工程間での乾燥など、手間と時間のかかる手しごとです。
enne ではこのような伝統工芸を出来るだけ身近に感じていただきたいと思っております。
例えば普段使いのバッグに山中塗りのステンレスボトルを入れて持ち歩いたり、漆塗りのスケートボードやゆびすけぼーを 手に取ることによって伝統工芸を普段の生活の中に取り入れ、職人の技を感じていただけると幸いです。

About us 縁音(enne)
"Traditional craft × Life & Fashion"
Yamanaka Lacquerware, is a traditional craft that has been
around since the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1573-1603) in Japan.
Inheriting traditional techniques we pass down convetional skills to the next generation of
craftsman to create products that fit todays lifestyles.
Utilizing traditional techniques, passed down through generations, we create products that appeal to today’s modern lifestyles. We hope to merge quality and craftsmanship of the past with products that suits the needs of today.
The products of enne are carefully made one by one from various craftsmen right here in Yamanaka Japan of the traditional craft "Yamanaka Lacquerware" with care and attention. From concept to completion each item goes through several ardeous processes to showcase the beauty of the artists handiwork. Such as the unique luster of lacquering combined with gold leafing; strength through modern lacquerware urethane coatings, that showcase the three-dimensionality and luster of modern maki-e painting techniques; all with a carefully planned drying process between each stage.
At enne our products are designed for everyday use and forged from a labour of love. Whether cruising down the street on one of our skateboards or hiking in the mountains with our steel bottles you will enjoy the timeless designs, impeccable craftsmanship, and the durability of modern Yamanaka Laquerware.

The Hokuriku Region of Japan is famous for its traditional crafts. During the Edo Period (1603-1868) the Kaga Hyakumangoku Culture had flourished in the area of Ishikawa Prefecture and became known as a craft kingdom.Yamanaka Lacquerware dates back to the Azuchi-Momoyama Period when a group of woodworkers settled in Yamanaka Onsen, Kaga City and began making souvenirs for the therapeutic bathers, and later developed their lacquerware for tea ceremony utensils.
Yamanaka Lacquerware has not only produced traditional lacquerware incorporating lacquering and maki-e techniques from Aizu, Kyoto, and Kanazawa during the mid-Edo period; but has also been the first to produce synthetic (modern) lacquerware with urethane coatings on a plastic (synthetic resin) base since the 1950's. As a result, Yamanaka Lacquerware has dramatically increased its production value and is the top producer of both traditional and modern lacquerware in Japan.
Yamanaka Onsen is an epicenter of traditional handicrafts, in addition it was able to develop as a production area with an enterprising spirit. Due in part that it has been a popular hot springs, an influx of information could be garnered from tourists all over Japan helping to introduce new technologies and ideas from different industries and fields, including the famous haiku poet Matsuo Basho.
While inheriting these traditional techniques and mindsets, enne will combine new techniques and designs from neighboring production areas and crafts to introduce "Premium Real Life Design" that fits the modern lifestyle.